About Alternate Universe

Alternate Universe was inspired by our love of art and our desire to share our art with others via artist alleys. The name is a play on words, reflecting our love of science (Au being the scientific symbol for gold) and also the common trope in fandoms for people to create alternate universes for their characters when canon events just won’t do. Our crafts are varied and eclectic and changing all the time, from bath bombs and amigurumi to sewn pouches and knit hats, we’ve got tons of variety to appeal to everyone!

Meet the Artists


Knitting, Crocheting, Sewing, Drawing, Writing, and Design

Ashley has been crafting since high school. After a brief interlude in which a college degree was obtained at Amherst College, she began selling her crafts at conventions and online. Ashley enjoys binge watching shows and reading fanfiction in addition to traveling, writing, and eating fun new foods. Her crafts are mainly knitting and crocheting and she spends much of her time creating new patterns and designs, often based on sea creatures and characters and creatures from various fandoms.




Bath Products, Illustration, Graphic Design, Sewing and Plush

Aidan has been cosplaying and attending conventions since freshman year of college, at Anime Boston 2011. They graduated from Amherst College in 2014 with a degree in Geology, and a passion for all things science and scifi. Since then, they have worked at several museums and parks, including the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. Aidan loves traveling and exploring new places, especially when they can collect some rocks to bring home. Their work focuses on the fusion of art and science, and making cute fun things to brighten up daily life.